Our mission is to assist when an Officer is down by aiding Law Enforcement Families during times of need. Honor the Fallen and Respect our Law Enforcement with your new Challenge Coin Project fundraising Family needs Department needs Community relations Illness Injured (on duty or off) Fallen (on duty or off) Care packages for Police Anything Law Enforcement related Visit www.OfficerDown.US ~ a supportive organization with a website for Law Enforcement related fundraisers ONLY, supporting LEOs as well as their families, coworkers, departments, and the community as related to by Law Enforcement. All donations receive an instant receipt making qualified donations a tax write-off. We are a national nonprofit and 501c3. Our organization is focused on Community through Unity. We believe that by creating a focus group which we are familiar with, benefitting law enforcement and the community, we are helping to close a gap. We host fundraisers created by others, at an extremely minimal 5% admin fee, that benefit the law enforcement community therefore maintaining our 501(c)(3) status. By the community and law enforcement having a platform where they can benefit each other through positive reinforcement and our organization sharing the fundraisers publicly on our social media platforms, we are attempting successfully to be the change we would like to see in others. Additionally, as a courtesy, we help promote the campaign on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and more, which directly and indirectly promotes your cause. Let us know how we can assist you further.